In the UK many people often use the term Herringbone to describe all forms and styles of parquetry. In actual fact, there are over 20 different patterns of parquet flooring with 100’s design variations. Some of these designs such as Versailles and Chantilly date back as far as the 16th century. Some of the other popular designs include, Basket weave, Chevron, Wood Strip, Mosaic and Chequerboard. For a detailed article about additional parquet designs please click here.
As the name suggests, Herringbone is a pattern of blocks named after the way that the bones of the herring fish are aligned. Some of the first examples of the pattern being used in flooring dates back to the roman period when it was used to layout clay bricks or rectangular stones. Early architects and builders had discovered that the overlapping pattern not only looked good, it also added strength and resilience to the structure.
During the Tudor period, vertical herringbone construction techniques were used to strengthen walls and can be seen at famous sites such as Hampton Court Palace in London. These patterns are still used today in brick paving and, after at least 2000 years, have clearly stood the test of time.
The earliest examples of wooden herringbone flooring dates back to the early 16th century. Architects and designers, particularly in France, started to use solid wooden blocks to create the pattern in grand halls and ceremonial rooms. Researchers believe that it replaced marble as it was easy to maintain and sections could be lifted and replaced if they became worn or damaged. It was also around this time that the tongue and groove system was first introduced.
Over the centuries this type of flooring has continued to grow in popularity and was a ‘must have’ feature of Georgian and Victorian homes and official buildings. For a brief time, after the initial introduction of affordable large width carpeting, wooden floors fell out of favour. However, the appeal of carpet has faded and, since the 1980’s, herringbone parquetry has become more popular than ever before. We asked – what is herringbone flooring. The answer is in the patterns. There are a number of classic patterns such as Single and Double Herringbone and Square Diagonal Herringbone. These primary designs are often enhanced through the use of single and double borders.
Single and double patterns without borders are the simplest of the patterns and are aligned from a right angle to a wall to ensure the traditional pattern throughout.
With square diagonal patterns the blocks are aligned with the walls with no angles to provide a pattern that is uniform. This pattern can be laid as either single or double blocks.
The addition of either a single or double border allows the pattern to framed emphasising the angle to the wall or the lack of angles.
The chosen pattern is what makes this parquet pattern an art and a skill only a select few craftsmen possess as they lay down the blocks in a perfect geometrical pattern. This style works best when it covers large areas of floor space and sprawls from room to room linking living space and hallways. Herringbone floors are perfect for when you’re creating an expansive interior design that emphasises you own unique personality. These floors can be easily balanced with other elements of the room such as curtains, furniture and artworks. A particular advantage of the standard design without borders is its ability to match and fit into rooms that are not square or have imperfections in their construction alignment where long planks would highlight the original construction errors. So, now we have a good idea of what is herringbone flooring.
Maples & Birch provide a wide range of wood species and finishes suitable for these floors such as our Natural Oak 228mm Herringbone Parquet Block or our American Black Walnut 280mm Engineered Herringbone Parquet Block.
This style of flooring can be supplied as either engineered or solid blocks. Setting herringbone flooring is a specific skill and it is always best to work with a skilled parquet installer to ensure a symmetry that will enhance the overall look of your interior.
Visit our catalogue pages to see the full range available or for more information and a free consultation please contact the Sales Team at: 0333 533 3330
If you are looking to buy parquet flooring online we have partnered with Maples & Birch who have one of the largest rages of parquet and wood flooring in the UK